lunes, julio 05, 2021 4:36:58 PM

Policies and Procedures

1. 5 Tool Academy tournament management will treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final and judgment calls by Tournament Director are final. Rule interpretation will be decided by the Tournament Director. On field calls by Umpires are final, no protests to on field calls.

2. Professional umpires have been assigned to each game. Coaches should treat them with respect. With regard to on-field calls, the decision of the umpires shall be final.

3. 9U Division Players who turn 10 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 3rd grade. Also, any player turning 11 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 9 are eligible for this division regardless of their grade. Teams shall have player birth certificates readily available upon request of the Tournament Director. Questions of age eligibility shall be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director. Such matters will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games that ineligible player played. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes.

4. Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time. If the previous game finishes early, teams may be asked to begin play earlier than scheduled. If a team fails to field 9 uniformed players at game time, the Tournament Director may issue a forfeit victory. The team that wins the game by forfeit will be credited with a 7-0 victory for tiebreaker purposes.

5. A coin flip will be used to determine home team for pool play and Round Robin games.

6. If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used: 

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored

e. Coin flip 

7. The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

8. There are no bat restrictions. Players are welcome to the bat of their preference.

9. There will be a “zero tolerance” policy for any alcohol or tobacco anywhere within the confines of the tournament venues. 


Playing Rules

1. Lead offs are not permitted but steals are once the ball crosses the plate.

2. Dropped third strike rule will not apply.

3. Infield fly rule applies.

4. There is a six run max per inning until the sixth inning. Runs are unlimited in the sixth inning.

5. Game will play 6 innings.

6. A one (1) hour thirty (30) minute time limit is in effect for all pool play games. A one (1) hour forty five (45) minute time limit is in effect for elimination games.

7. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Once an inning starts, it must be completed. The official time is ended when the third out of the bottom of the inning is recorded. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over and the bottom half of the last inning shall not be played.

8. There is no time limit on championship games (unless the Tournament Director deems it necessary due to weather or scheduling issues).

9. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury.

10. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for games in the event of weather or scheduling issues.

11. The start time shall begin when the pre-game meeting is completed. The home plate umpire or his designee shall monitor the official time.

12. When three (3) innings have been completed or the visiting team has completed three (3) innings and the home team is ahead and the game is halted due to weather, it will be considered an official game.

13. Teams may use a nine (9) player line up, a ten (10) player lineup with an Extra Hitter, an eleven (11) player line up with two (2) Extra Hitters or a continuous batting order.

14. There is a free substitution of the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.

15. Players may use the bat of their choice. There are no bat restrictions/requirements. 

16. Mercy Rules

• 15 runs after 3 innings

• 10 runs after 4 innings

• 8 runs after 5 innings

 17. Pitch Counts Pitch Smart Guidelines will be used:

Age Daily Max (Pitches in Game)  Required Rest (Pitches)

  0 Days 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days

9-10 75 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+

11-12  85 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+


If a pitch count limit is reached, the pitcher may complete the batter without being considered over the limit. You can learn more by visiting:

While our expectation is that pitch counts will be self-monitored and self-enforced, they are mandatory for all teams. If it is brought to the attention of the tournament director that a pitcher is ineligible under the pitch count requirements, the pitcher will be removed from the mound. In the interest of good sportsmanship and athletes' health, all coaches are required to strictly follow this rule. 


18. Pitcher must be replaced on the 2nd trip to the mound.

19. Intentional Walks There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.

20. Base Distances and Field Dimensions Every effort will be made to make sure base distances, pitching distances, and field dimensions are accurate. As with many different public and private facilities, dimensions are sometimes slightly off. So long as the field dimensions are reasonable and the same for both teams, play shall not be stopped to reinstall bases or pitching rubbers. This tournament will use 46/65 diamonds.

21. Metal Spikes Metal spikes are not allowed in age groups 7-12.

22. Tie Games

Pool play games: Pool play games - tie breakers - Games will end in a tie at the completion of inning after time has expired. Games that have completed their designated innings for the game prior to the expiration of time will play 1 inning of the tiebreaker using the California rule noted below. If after one inning of the tiebreaker results in a tie, game will end in a tie and no further tiebreaker innings will be played.

Elimination Rounds: Elimination games may not end in a tie. If the time has expired or 6 innings are completed, and the score is tied, the California rule will be used for extra innings.The team at bat will start with a player on second, no outs. The player on second will be the last batter out in the previous inning. Runs are unlimited in additional innings.

23. Courtesy Runners Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

24. Ejections If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

25. Injuries and Early Departures If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he may not reenter that game. 


Rainout Policy

In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

  0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee..

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.

Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the third time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called.

domingo, junio 27, 2021 11:20:35 AM We are on delay with the recent rainfall. Crew is starting to work on water removal now but it likely will be at least 90 minutes before fields will be playable. We'll provide updates as soon as possible.
jueves, mayo 20, 2021 12:57:09 AM
General Rules 14U Softball

• The age cut-off date for the tournament is January 1 st .

• All judgment calls by an umpire may not be protested or argued. Umpires have the final say. Rules protests can be made to the Tournament Director. All rulings by the Tournament Director are final.

• No Protested Games: Rules interpretation may be argued as soon as the dispute arises. The umpire and/or Tournament Director will resolve the dispute before play resumes. All decisions are final.

• Coaches are responsible for the behavior of the team and fans. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parent’s, and fan’s will be tolerated. Any team violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, the second, the individual guilty-coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended from the current game and the next upcoming game. A suspended coach, player, parent or fan will be removed from the entire park.

• The tournament is for the players. Parents and coaches can get excited. Fans can not involve themselves in the game. All questions for the umpires and directors are to come from the coaches only.
Home Team Designation: Home team designation is determined by a coin flip. For all Tournament games: the team with the best seed will determine Home team designation. For the Championship game, a coin toss will be used if both teams have the same seed number from their respective pools.

Game Start Time: All teams should be ready to play 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time.

Minimum Players to Play: The minimum number of players to start and finish a game is eight (8). There will be an automatic out in the 9 th batting position. Each team can field nine (9) players including a pitcher, catcher, four (4) infielders and three (3) outfielders.

Complete game: Games will consist of seven (7) innings, however, it is considered a complete game after 3 innings or if the home team is winning after 2 ½ innings.

Run rule will be:

12 after 3 innings

10 after 4 innings
8 after 5 innings.

Time Limit: A one (1) hour five (5) minute time limit is in effect for all pool games. Elimination games which will be one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes. Drop dead time is 2 hours for all bracket and consolation games. If drop dead time is reached before the inning concludes, the score reverts to the previous inning unless the home team is ahead in which case the home team wins. The championship game will be limited to one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury. The start time shall begin when the pre-game conference ends. The home plate umpire or his designee shall monitor the official time.

• If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:
a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored
e. Coin flip

• The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

Refund Policy

In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee.

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.

Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the second time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called.

• Entry fee includes 12” softballs

• No smoking or tobacco use is permitted.

• No alcohol is permitted.
• No pets are permitted. 

 • Teams will use a continuous batting order. This means all players in uniform (unless injured) must be in the batting order. If a team has 12 or more players present, they bat 12. There is no penalty for having less than 12. If a team has less than 12 players present and an additional player arrives late, that player must be inserted into the last spot in the batting order.

• If one of the teams has less than 12 batters to start the game, the other team has the option of matching the same number of batters. This “mirror rule” prevents teams with a larger roster from playing at a disadvantage.

• If a team has more than 12 players present, they have the option of batting as many players as they want. If a team chooses to start a game batting more than 12, they must finish the game batting the same number of players they started the game batting.

• There is a free substitution among the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
• There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bat of their preference.

• Pitching rubber will be set at 43’.
• Metal cleats are permitted for 14U.

 • Infield fly rule will apply.

• Dropped 3rd strike will apply.

• A runner may leave the base after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. If the umpire determines that a base runner leaves early, the team will be given a warning. Any other occurrences will result in the base runner being called OUT.

The mandatory slide rule is in effect for all close plays at a base. A player not sliding may be considered out in the judgment of the umpire, and the play is considered dead. Once the play is considered dead, all other base runners must return to their previous base and may not advance. Base runners attempting to score must slide at home plate unless in the umpire’s judgment, contact is not likely without sliding.

No head first slides, except to go back to a base already passed.


i. A coach cannot touch or assist a player between the bases during a play. This is an automatic out.

ii. Base runners who intentionally interfere with the defensive player will be called out.

iii. Defensive players must remain out of the base paths and not block bases or home plate. If a Defensive player interferes with the base runner or intentionally blocks a base or home plate, the player is automatically awarded the base he was heading towards.

Courtesy Runners
Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

Injuries and Early Departures
If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he is done for the remainder of that game.

Injured Base Runner. The last player to make an out will replace any player sustaining an injury while running on base. Once a played is deemed injured, she may not return to the game.
jueves, mayo 20, 2021 12:45:58 AM
General Rules 13U Baseball
Policies and Procedures

 1. 5 Tool Academy tournament management will treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final and judgment calls by Tournament Director are final. Rule interpretation will be decided by the Tournament Director. On field calls by Umpires are final, no protests to on field calls.

2. Professional umpires have been assigned to each game. Coaches should treat them with respect. With regard to on-field calls, the decision of the umpires shall be final.

3. 13U Division Players who turn 14 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 7th grade. Also, any player turning 15 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 13 are eligible for this division regardless of their grade. Teams shall have player birth certificates readily available upon request of the Tournament Director. Questions of age eligibility shall be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director. Such matters will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games that ineligible player played. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes.

4. Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time. If the previous game finishes early, teams may be asked to begin play earlier than scheduled. If a team fails to field 9 uniformed players at game time, the Tournament Director may issue a forfeit victory. The team that wins the game by forfeit will be credited with a 7-0 victory for tiebreaker purposes.

5. A coin flip will be used to determine home team for pool play games.

6. If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored
e. Coin flip

7. The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.
8. There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bats of their preference.
9. There will be a “zero tolerance” policy for any alcohol or tobacco anywhere within the confines of the tournament venues.
1. Lead offs and steals are permitted.

2. Dropped third strike rule will apply.

3. Infield fly rule applies.

4. Game will play 6 innings.

5. A one (1) hour thirty (30) minute time limit is in effect for all pool play games. A one (1) hour forty five (45) minute time limit is in effect for elimination games.

6. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Once an inning starts, it must be completed. The official time is ended when the third out of the bottom of the inning is recorded. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over and the bottom half of the last inning shall not be played.

7. There is no time limit on championship games (unless the Tournament Director deems it necessary due to weather or scheduling issues).

8. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury.

9. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for games in the event of weather or scheduling issues.

10. The start time shall begin when the pre-game conference ends. The home plate umpire or designee shall monitor the official time.

11. When three (3) innings have been completed or the visiting team has completed three (3) innings and the home team is ahead and the game is halted due to weather, it will be considered an official game.

12. Teams may use a nine (9) player line up, a ten (10) player lineup with an Extra Hitter, an eleven (11) player line up with two (2) Extra Hitters or a continuous batting order.

13. There is a free substitution of the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
14. Mercy Rules
• 15 runs after 3 innings

• 10 runs after 4 innings

• 8 runs after 5 innings

16. Pitch Counts

Pitch Smart Guidelines will be used:


0 Days 1 Days 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days

13-14 95 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+

If a pitch count limit is reached, the pitcher may complete the batter without being considered over the limit. You can learn more by visiting:
While our expectation is that pitch counts will be self-monitored and self-enforced, they are mandatory for all teams. If it is brought to the attention of the tournament director that a pitcher is ineligible under the pitch count requirements, the pitcher will be removed from the mound. In the interest of good sportsmanship and athletes' health, all coaches are required to strictly follow this rule.

17. One balk warning per pitcher will be given without penalty. If a balk warning or a balk is called, the ball will become dead.

18. Pitcher must be replaced on the 2nd trip to the mound.

19. Intentional Walks There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.

20. Base Distances and Field Dimensions
Every effort will be made to make sure base distances, pitching distances, and field dimensions are accurate. As with many different public and private facilities, dimensions are sometimes slightly off. So long as the field dimensions are reasonable and the same for both teams, play shall not be stopped to reinstall bases or pitching rubbers. This tournament will use 54/80 diamonds.

21. Metal Spikes
Metal spikes are permitted except by pitchers on a portable pitching mound.

22. Tie Games

Pool play games: Pool play games - tie breakers - Games will end in a tie at the completion of inning after time has expired. Games that have completed their designated innings for the game prior to the expiration of time will play 1 inning of the tiebreaker using the California rule noted below. If after one inning of the tiebreaker results in a tie, game will end in a tie and no further tiebreaker innings will be played.
Elimination Rounds: Elimination games may not end in a tie. If the time has expired or 6 innings are completed, and the score is tied, the California rule will be used for extra innings. The team at bat will start with a player on second, no outs. The player on second will be the last batter out in the previous inning. Runs are unlimited in additional innings.

23. Courtesy Runners
Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

24. Ejections
If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

25. Injuries and Early Departures
If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he may not reenter that game. 
In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee..

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.
Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the third time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called.
jueves, mayo 20, 2021 12:26:54 AM
General Rules 12U Softball

• The age cut-off date for the tournament is January 1st .

• All judgment calls by an umpire may not be protested or argued. Umpires have the final say. Rules protests can be made to the Tournament Director. All rulings by the Tournament Director are final.

• No Protested Games: Rules interpretation may be argued as soon as the dispute arises. The umpire and/or Tournament Director will resolve the dispute before play resumes. All decisions are final.

• Coaches are responsible for the behavior of the team and fans. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parent’s, and fan’s will be tolerated. Any team violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, the second, the individual guilty-coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended from the current game and the next upcoming game. A suspended coach, player, parent or fan will be removed from the entire park.

• The tournament is for the players. Parents and coaches can get excited. Fans can not involve themselves in the game. All questions for the umpires and directors are to come from the coaches only.
Home Team Designation: Home team designation is determined by a coin flip. For all Tournament games: the team with the best seed will determine Home team designation. For the Championship game, a coin toss will be used if both teams have the same seed number from their respective pools.

Game Start Time: All teams should be ready to play 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time.

Minimum Players to Play: The minimum number of players to start and finish a game is eight (8). There will be an automatic out in the 9 th batting position. Each team can field nine (9) players including a pitcher, catcher, four (4) infielders and three (3) outfielders.
• Complete game: Games will consist of six (6) innings, however, it is considered a complete game after 3 innings or if the home team is winning after 2 ½ innings.

Run rule will be:

a. 12 after 3 innings

b. 10 after 4 innings
c. 8 after 5 innings

Time Limit: A one (1) hour five (5) minute time limit is in effect for all pool games. Elimination games which will be one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes. Drop dead time is 2 hours for all bracket and consolation games. If drop dead time is reached before the inning concludes, the score reverts to the previous inning unless the home team is ahead in which case the home team wins. The championship game time limit is one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury. The start time shall begin when the pre-game conference ends. The home plate umpire or his designee shall monitor the official time.

• If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored
e. Coin flip

• The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

Refund Policy
In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee.

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.
Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the second time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called.

• Entry fee includes 12” softballs

• No smoking or tobacco use permitted.

• No alcohol is permitted.
• No pets are permitted. 

 • Teams will use a continuous batting order. This means all players in uniform (unless injured) must be in the batting order. If a team has 12 or more players present, they bat 12. There is no penalty for having less than 12. If a team has less than 12 players present and an additional player arrives late, that player must be inserted into the last spot in the batting order.

• If one of the teams has less than 12 batters to start the game, the other team has the option of matching the same number of batters. This “mirror rule” prevents teams with a larger roster from playing at a disadvantage.

• If a team has more than 12 players present, they have the option of batting as many players as they want. If a team chooses to start a game batting more than 12, they must finish the game batting the same number of players they started the game batting.

• There is a free substitution among the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
• There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bat of their preference.
• Pitching rubber will be set at 40’.

 • Infield fly rule will apply.

• Dropped 3rd strike will apply.

• A runner may leave the base after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. If the umpire determines that a base runner leaves early, the team will be given a warning. Any other occurrences will result in the base runner being called OUT.

The mandatory slide rule is in effect for all close plays at a base. A player not sliding may be considered out in the judgment of the umpire, and the play is considered dead. Once the play is considered dead, all other base runners must return to their previous base and may not advance. Base runners attempting to score must slide at home plate unless in the umpire’s judgment, contact is not likely without sliding.

No head first slides, except to go back to a base already passed.


i. A coach cannot touch or assist a player between the bases during a play. This is an automatic out.

ii. Base runners who intentionally interfere with the defensive player will be called out.
iii. Defensive players must remain out of the base paths and not block bases or home plate. If a Defensive player interferes with the base runner or intentionally blocks a base or home plate, the player is automatically awarded the base he was heading towards.

Courtesy Runners
Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

Injuries and Early Departures
If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he is done for the remainder of that game.
Injured Base Runner. The last player to make an out will replace any player sustaining an injury while running on base. Once a played is deemed injured, she may not return to the game
jueves, mayo 20, 2021 12:14:14 AM
General Rules 12U Baseball
Policies and Procedures 

1. 5 Tool Academy tournament management will treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final and judgment calls by Tournament Director are final. Rule interpretation will be decided by the Tournament Director. On field calls by Umpires are final, no protests to on field calls.

2. Professional umpires have been assigned to each game for age levels 9-12. Coaches should treat them with respect. With regard to on-field calls, the decision of the umpires shall be final.

3. 12U Division Players who turn 13 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 6th grade. Also, any player turning 14 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 12 are eligible for this division regardless of their grade. Teams shall have player birth certificates readily available upon request of the Tournament Director. Questions of age eligibility shall be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director. Such matters will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games that ineligible player played. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes.

4. Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time. If the previous game finishes early, teams may be asked to begin play earlier than scheduled. If a team fails to field 9 uniformed players at game time, the Tournament Director may issue a forfeit victory. The team that wins the game by forfeit will be credited with a 7-0 victory for tiebreaker purposes.

5. A coin flip will be used to determine home team for pool play games.

6. If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored
e. Coin flip

7. The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

8. There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bats of their preference.
9. There will be a “zero tolerance” policy for any alcohol or tobacco anywhere within the confines of the tournament venues. 

1. Lead offs and steals are permitted.

2. Dropped third strike rule will apply.

3. Infield fly rule applies.

4. Game will play 6 innings.

5. A one (1) hour thirty (30) minute time limit is in effect for all pool play games. A one (1) hour forty five (45) minute time limit is in effect for elimination games.

6. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Once an inning starts, it must be completed. The official time is ended when the third out of the bottom of the inning is recorded. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over and the bottom half of the last inning shall not be played.

7. There is no time limit on championship games (unless the Tournament Director deems it necessary due to weather or scheduling issues).

8. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury.

9. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for games in the event of weather or scheduling issues.

10. The start time shall begin when the pre-game conference ends. The home plate umpire or designee shall monitor the official time.

11. When three (3) innings have been completed or the visiting team has completed three (3) innings and the home team is ahead and the game is halted due to weather, it will be considered an official game.

12. Teams may use a nine (9) player line up, a ten (10) player lineup with an Extra Hitter, an eleven (11) player line up with two (2) Extra Hitters or a continuous batting order.

13. There is a free substitution of the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
14. Mercy Rules

• 15 runs after 3 innings

• 10 runs after 4 innings

• 8 runs after 5 innings

16. Pitch Counts

Pitch Smart Guidelines will be used:


0 Days 1 Days 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days

11-12 85 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+
If a pitch count limit is reached, the pitcher may complete the batter without being considered over the limit. You can learn more by visiting:

While our expectation is that pitch counts will be self-monitored and self-enforced, they are mandatory for all teams. If it is brought to the attention of the tournament director that a pitcher is ineligible under the pitch count requirements, the pitcher will be removed from the mound. In the interest of good sportsmanship and athletes' health, all coaches are required to strictly follow this rule.

17. One balk warning per pitcher will be given without penalty. If a balk warning or a balk is called, the ball will become dead.

18. Pitcher must be replaced on the 2 nd trip to the mound.

19. Intentional Walks There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.

20. Base Distances and Field Dimensions
Every effort will be made to make sure base distances, pitching distances, and field dimensions are accurate. As with many different public and private facilities, dimensions are sometimes slightly off. So long as the field dimensions are reasonable and the same for both teams, play shall not be stopped to reinstall bases or pitching rubbers. This tournament will use 50/70 diamonds.

21. Metal Spikes
Metal spikes are not allowed in age groups 7-12.

22. Tie Games

Pool play games: Pool play games - tie breakers - Games will end in a tie at the completion of inning after time has expired. Games that have completed their designated innings for the game prior to the expiration of time will play 1 inning of the tiebreaker using the California rule noted below. If after one inning of the tiebreaker results in a tie, game will end in a tie and no further tiebreaker innings will be played.
Elimination Rounds:Elimination games may not end in a tie. If the time has expired or 6 innings are completed, and the score is tied, the California rule will be used for extra innings. The team at bat will start with a player on second, no outs. The player on second will be the last batter out in the previous inning. Runs are unlimited in additional innings.

23. Courtesy Runners
Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

24. Ejections
If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

25. Injuries and Early Departures
If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he may not reenter that game.

In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee..

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.
Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the third time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called 
jueves, mayo 20, 2021 12:02:03 AM
General Rules 11U Baseball
Policies and Procedures

 1. 5 Tool Academy tournament management will treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final and judgment calls by Tournament Director are final. Rule interpretation will be decided by the Tournament Director. On field calls by Umpires are final, no protests to on field calls.

2. Professional umpires have been assigned to each game for age levels 9-12. Coaches should treat them with respect. With regard to on-field calls, the decision of the umpires shall be final.

3. 11U Division Players who turn 12 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 5th grade. Also, any player turning 13 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 11 are eligible for this division regardless of their grade. Teams shall have player birth certificates readily available upon request of the Tournament Director. Questions of age eligibility shall be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director. Such matters will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games that ineligible player played. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes.

4. Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time. If the previous game finishes early, teams may be asked to begin play earlier than scheduled. If a team fails to field 9 uniformed players at game time, the Tournament Director may issue a forfeit victory. The team that wins the game by forfeit will be credited with a 7-0 victory for tiebreaker purposes.

5. A coin flip will be used to determine home team for pool play games.

6. If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored

e. Coin flip

7. The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

8. There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bats of their preference.
9. There will be a “zero tolerance” policy for any alcohol or tobacco anywhere within the confines of the tournament venues.
1. Lead offs and steals are permitted.

2. Dropped third strike rule will apply.

3. Infield fly rule applies.

4. Game will play 6 innings.

5. A one (1) hour thirty (30) minute time limit is in effect for all pool play games. A one (1) hour forty five (45) minute time limit is in effect for elimination games.

6. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Once an inning starts, it must be completed. The official time is ended when the third out of the bottom of the inning is recorded. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over and the bottom half of the last inning shall not be played.

7. There is no time limit on championship games (unless the Tournament Director deems it necessary due to weather or scheduling issues).

8. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury.

9. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for games in the event of weather or scheduling issues.

10. The start time shall begin when the pre-game conference ends. The home plate umpire or designee shall monitor the official time.

11. When three (3) innings have been completed or the visiting team has completed three (3) innings and the home team is ahead and the game is halted due to weather, it will be considered an official game.

12. Teams may use a nine (9) player line up, a ten (10) player lineup with an Extra Hitter, an eleven (11) player line up with two (2) Extra Hitters or a continuous batting order.

13. There is a free substitution of the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
14. Mercy Rules

• 15 runs after 3 innings

• 10 runs after 4 innings

• 8 runs after 5 innings
16. Pitch Counts

Pitch Smart Guidelines will be used:


0 Days 1 Days 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days

11-12 85 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+
If a pitch count limit is reached, the pitcher may complete the batter without being considered over the limit. You can learn more by visiting:
While our expectation is that pitch counts will be self-monitored and self-enforced, they are mandatory for all teams. If it is brought to the attention of the tournament director that a pitcher is ineligible under the pitch count requirements, the pitcher will be removed from the mound. In the interest of good sportsmanship and athletes' health, all coaches are required to strictly follow this rule.

17. One balk warning per pitcher will be given without penalty. If a balk warning or a balk is called, the ball will become dead.

18. Pitcher must be replaced on the 2nd trip to the mound.

19. Intentional Walks There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.

20. Base Distances and Field Dimensions
Every effort will be made to make sure base distances, pitching distances, and field dimensions are accurate. As with many different public and private facilities, dimensions are sometimes slightly off. So long as the field dimensions are reasonable and the same for both teams, play shall not be stopped to reinstall bases or pitching rubbers. This tournament will use 50/70 diamonds.

21. Metal Spikes
Metal spikes are not allowed in age groups 7-12.

22. Tie Games
Pool play games: Pool play games - tie breakers - Games will end in a tie at the completion of inning after time has expired. Games that have completed their designated innings for the game prior to the expiration of time will play 1 inning of the tiebreaker using the California rule noted below. If after one inning of the tiebreaker results in a tie, game will end in a tie and no further tiebreaker innings will be played.
Elimination Rounds: Elimination games may not end in a tie. If the time has expired or 6 innings are completed, and the score is tied, the California rule will be used for extra innings. The team at bat will start with a player on second, no outs. The player on second will be the last batter out in the previous inning. Runs are unlimited in additional innings.

23. Courtesy Runners
Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

24. Ejections
If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
25. Injuries and Early Departures
If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he may not reenter that game.  
In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee..

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.
Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the third time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called 
miércoles, mayo 19, 2021 11:43:51 PM
General Rules 10U Softball

 • The age cut-off date for the tournament is January 1 st .

• All judgment calls by an umpire may not be protested or argued. Umpires have the final say. Rules protests can be made to the Tournament Director. All rulings by the Tournament Director are final.

• No Protested Games: Rules interpretation may be argued as soon as the dispute arises. The umpire and/or Tournament Director will resolve the dispute before play resumes. All decisions are final.

• Coaches are responsible for the behavior of the team and fans. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parent’s, and fan’s will be tolerated. Any team violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, the second, the individual guilty-coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended from the current game and the next upcoming game. A suspended coach, player, parent or fan will be removed from the entire park.

• The tournament is for the players. Parents and coaches can get excited. Fans can not involve themselves in the game. All questions for the umpires and directors are to come from the coaches only.
• Home Team Designation: Home team is determined by a coin flip. For all Tournament games: the team with the best seed will determine Home team designation.

• Game Start Time: All teams should be ready to play 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time.

• Minimum Players to Play: The minimum number of players to start and finish a game is eight (8). There will be an automatic out in the 9 th batting position. Each team can field ten (10) players including a pitcher, catcher, four (4) infielders and four (4) outfielders.

• Complete game: Games will consist of six (6) innings, however, it is considered a complete game after 3 innings or if the home team is winning after 2 ½ innings.

• Run rule will be:

12 after 3 innings

10 after 4 innings
8 after 5 innings.

• Time Limit: A one (1) hour five (5) minute time limit is in effect for all pool games. Elimination games which will be one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes. Drop dead time is 2 hours for all bracket and consolation games. If drop dead time is reached before the inning concludes, the score reverts to the previous inning unless the home team is ahead in which case the home team wins. The championship game time limit is one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for pool games in the event of weather or scheduling issues. The start time shall begin when the pre-game conference ends. The home plate umpire or designee shall monitor the official time.

• If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams, the following tiebreakers shall be used:

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored
e. Coin flip

• The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

• Refund Policy
In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee.

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.

Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the second time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called.

• Entry fee includes 11” softballs

• No alcohol or tobacco is allowed on the property
• No pets are allowed

 • Teams will use a continuous batting order. This means all players in uniform (unless injured) must be in the batting order. If a team has 12 or more players present, they bat 12. There is no penalty for having less than 12. If a team has less than 12 players present and an additional player arrives late, that player must be inserted into the last spot in the batting order.

• If one of the teams has less than 12 batters to start the game, the other team has the option of matching the same number of batters. This “mirror rule” prevents teams with a larger roster from playing at a disadvantage.

• If a team has more than 12 players present, they have the option of batting as many players as they want. If a team chooses to start a game batting more than 12, they must finish the game batting the same number of players they started the game batting.

• There is a free substitution among the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
• There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bat of their preference.
• Pitching rubber will be set at 35’.

 • Infield fly rule will not apply.

• Dropped 3rd strike will not apply.

• 5 run limit per inning with the exception of the 6th inning (or extra innings) which are unlimited.

• A runner may leave the base after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand. If the umpire determines that a base runner leaves early, the team will be given a warning. Any other occurrences will result in the base runner being called OUT.

• The LOOK-BACK RULE is in effect when the ball is live, the batter-runner has touched first base or has been declared out, and the pitcher has possession of the ball (e.g. has the ball in their hand, glove, under arm or chin, between their legs) within the 16-foot circle. Any runner(s) in motion may continue without stopping or may stop once. Any runner who is stopped or stops their motion must immediately move directly back to the last base touched or attempt to advance to the next base. Once the runner stops at a base for any reason, they may not move off that base. A batter-runner who overruns first and does not without delay attempt to advance to second is committed to return to first and stop. The runner, off base, may not stand motionless. There does not need to be any motion or recognition by the pitcher. Failure of the runner to respond as indicated shall cause the Umpire to signal the runner out. The ball shall be declared dead. If the pitcher no longer has possession of the ball within the 16-foot circle, the pitcher makes an attempt on any of the runners or a fake throw is made, this rule does not apply. Being in the 16-foot circle is defined as both feet within or partially within the line. The feet may touch the line and extend outside the line. When the pitcher is in the pitcher’s circle and a runner(s) is off the base, the pitcher is considered to be playing on the runner(s) when the throwing arm is raised or any forward movement of the body is made toward the runner. Movement of the head is not considered an attempted play. EFFECT: The ball becomes dead immediately. The runner is out.

• The mandatory slide rule is in effect for all close plays at a base. A player not sliding may be considered out in the judgment of the umpire, and the play is considered dead. Once the play is considered dead, all other base runners must return to their previous base and may not advance. Base runners attempting to score must slide at home plate unless in the umpire’s judgment, contact is not likely without sliding.

• No head first slides, except to go back to a base already passed.


ι. A coach cannot touch or assist a player between the bases during a play. This is an automatic out.

ιι. Base runners who intentionally interfere with the defensive player will be called out.

ιιι. Defensive players must remain out of the base paths and not block bases or home plate. If a Defensive player interferes with the base runner or intentionally blocks a base or home plate, the player is automatically awarded the base he was heading towards.

Over Throws.Over throws that land in out of play territory shall result in the base runner(s) advancing only one base.

Courtesy Runners
Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

Injuries and Early Departures
If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he is done for the remainder of that game.
Injured Base Runner. The last player to make an out will replace any player sustaining an injury while running on base. Once a played is deemed injured, she may not return to the game.
miércoles, mayo 19, 2021 11:25:44 PM
General Rules 10U Baseball
Policies and Procedures 

1. 5 Tool Academy tournament management will treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final and judgment calls by Tournament Director are final. Rule interpretation will be decided by the Tournament Director. On field calls by Umpires are final, no protests to on field calls.

2. Professional umpires have been assigned to each game. Coaches should treat them with respect. With regard to on-field calls, the decision of the umpires shall be final.

3. 10U Division Players who turn 11 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 4th grade. Also, any player turning 12 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 10 are eligible for this division regardless of their grade. Teams shall have player birth certificates readily available upon request of the Tournament Director. Questions of age eligibility shall be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director. Such matters will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games that ineligible player played. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes.

4. Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time. If the previous game finishes early, teams may be asked to begin play earlier than scheduled. If a team fails to field 9 uniformed players at game time, the Tournament Director may issue a forfeit victory. The team that wins the game by forfeit will be credited with a 7-0 victory for tiebreaker purposes.

5. A coin flip will be used to determine home team for pool play games.

6. If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored
e. Coin flip

7. The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

8. There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bat of their preference.
9. There will be a “zero tolerance” policy for any alcohol or tobacco anywhere within the confines of the tournament venues. 

1. Lead offs and steals are permitted.

2. Dropped third strike rule will apply.

3. Infield fly rule applies.

4. There is a six run max per inning until the sixth inning. Runs are unlimited in the sixth inning.

5. Game will play 6 innings.

6. A one (1) hour thirty (30) minute time limit is in effect for all pool play games. A one (1) hour forty five (45) minute time limit is in effect for elimination games.

7. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Once an inning starts, it must be completed. The official time is ended when the third out of the bottom of the inning is recorded. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over and the bottom half of the last inning shall not be played.

8. There is no time limit on championship games (unless the Tournament Director deems it necessary due to weather or scheduling issues).

9. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury.

10. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for games in the event of weather or scheduling issues.

11. The start time shall begin when the pre-game meeting is completed. The home plate umpire or his designee shall monitor the official time.

12. When three (3) innings have been completed or the visiting team has completed three (3) innings and the home team is ahead and the game is halted due to weather, it will be considered an official game.

13. Teams may use a nine (9) player line up, a ten (10) player lineup with an Extra Hitter, an eleven (11) player line up with two (2) Extra Hitters or a continuous batting order.

14. There is a free substitution of the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
15. Mercy Rules

• 15 runs after 3 innings

• 10 runs after 4 innings
• 8 runs after 5 innings

16. Pitch Counts. Pitch Smart Guidelines will be used:


0 Days 1 Days 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days

9-10 75 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+

If a pitch count limit is reached, the pitcher may complete the batter without being considered over the limit. You can learn more by visiting:
While our expectation is that pitch counts will be self-monitored and self-enforced, they are mandatory for all teams. If it is brought to the attention of the tournament director that a pitcher is ineligible under the pitch count requirements, the pitcher will be removed from the mound. In the interest of good sportsmanship and athletes' health, all coaches are required to strictly follow this rule.

17. One balk warning per pitcher will be given without penalty. If a balk warning or a balk is called, the ball will become dead.

18. Pitcher must be replaced on the 2 nd trip to the mound.

19. Intentional Walks
There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.

20. Base Distances and Field Dimensions
Every effort will be made to make sure base distances, pitching distances, and field dimensions are accurate. As with many different public and private facilities, dimensions are sometimes slightly off. So long as the field dimensions are reasonable and the same for both teams, play shall not be stopped to reinstall bases or pitching rubbers. This tournament will use 46/65 diamonds.

21. Metal Spikes
Metal spikes are not allowed in age groups 7-12.

22. Tie Games

Pool play games: Pool play games - tie breakers - Games will end in a tie at the completion of inning after time has expired. Games that have completed their designated innings for the game prior to the expiration of time will play 1 inning of the tiebreaker using the California rule noted below. If after one inning of the tiebreaker results in a tie, game will end in a tie and no further tiebreaker innings will be played.
Elimination Rounds: Elimination games may not end in a tie. If the time has expired or 6 innings are completed, and the score is tied, the California rule will be used for extra innings. The team at bat will start with a player on second, no outs. The player on second will be the last batter out in the previous inning. Runs are unlimited in additional innings.

23. Courtesy Runners
Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batted out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.

24. Ejections
If a player is ejected during a game, the name of the player will remain in the batting order and count as an out when the batting order reaches that player. If a player or coach is ejected from a game, he will serve a one game suspension. The suspension must be for the next game the team plays. If a player or coach is ejected he must leave the field and adjacent area in a timely manner. If this does not occur, the player or coach in player can be barred from the facility at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
25. Injuries and Early Departures
If a player becomes injured (as ruled by the umpire) and is unable to continue playing, his spot in the batting order shall be skipped with no penalty. Once the injured player leaves the batting order, he may not reenter that game.

In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee..

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.
Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the third time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called 
miércoles, mayo 19, 2021 11:04:26 PM
General Rules 8U Softball

• The age cut-off date for the tournament is January 1st.

• All judgment calls by an umpire may not be protested or argued. Umpires have the final say. Rules protests can be made to the Tournament Director. All rulings by the Tournament Director are final.

• No Protested Games: Rules interpretation may be argued as soon as the dispute arises. The umpire and/or Tournament Director will resolve the dispute before play resumes. All decisions are final.

• Coaches are responsible for the behavior of the team and fans. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parent’s, and fan’s will be tolerated. Any team violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, the second, the individual guilty-coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended from the current game and the next upcoming game. A suspended coach, player, parent or fan will be removed from the entire park.

• The tournament is for the players. Parents and coaches can get excited. Fans can not involve themselves in the game. All questions for the umpires and directors are to come from the coaches only.

Home Team Designation: Home team designation is determined by coin flip for pool play games. For all Tournament games: the team with the best seed will determine Home team designation. For the Championship game, a coin toss will be used if both teams have the same seed number from their respective pools.

Minimum Players to Play: The minimum number of players to start and finish a game is eight (8). There will be an automatic out in the 9th batting position. Each team can field ten (10) players including a pitcher’s helper, catcher, four (4) infielders and four (4) outfielders. A defensive coach is allowed on the field of play to provide instruction to the outfield.

Complete game: Games will consist of five (5) innings, however, it is considered a complete game after 3 innings or if the home team is winning after 2 ½ innings.

Run Limits: There is a five (5) run maximum per inning. The fifth inning (or extra) is unlimited.

Run rule will be:

o 12 after 3 innings
o 10 after 4 innings 

Time Limit: A one (1) hour five (5) minute time limit is in effect for all games except elimination games which will be one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes. The championship game will be limited to one (1) hour thirty (30) minutes. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. An inning must be completed once it has started. Game time will stop (5 minutes max) for any serious injury. The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit in the event of weather or scheduling issues. The start time shall begin when the pre-game conference ends. The home plate umpire or designee shall monitor the official time.

• If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:

a. Overall won-lost record

b. Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

c. Run differential

d. Total runs scored
e. Coin flip 

• The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.

• Refund Policy

In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee.

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.
Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the second time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called.

• Entry fee includes 11” softballs

• No smoking or tobacco use is permitted.

• No alcohol is permitted.
• No pets are permitted.

• Teams will use a continuous batting order. This means all players in uniform (unless injured) must be in the batting order. If a team has 12 or more players present, they bat 12. There is no penalty for having less than 12. If a team has less than 12 players present and an additional player arrives late, that player must be inserted into the last spot in the batting order.

• If one of the teams has less than 12 batters to start the game, the other team has the option of matching the same number of batters. This “mirror rule” prevents teams with a larger roster from playing at a disadvantage.

• If a team has more than 12 players present, they have the option of batting as many players as they want. If a team chooses to start a game batting more than 12, they must finish the game batting the same number of players they started the game batting.

• There is a free substitution among the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
• If a batter hits the pitch and the ball hits the coach/pitcher, the play will be called dead and the batter will take first base. Base runners will advance one base.

• Each batter will receive a maximum of five (5) pitches or three (3) strikes in order to put the ball in play. If the fifth (5 th), sixth (6th) or any subsequent pitch is fouled, the batter gets an additional pitch. The batter is out after 3 strikes. No walks.

• Coaches will pitch with both feet in the pitcher’s circle. Pitching rubber will be set at 35’. Coaches will receive one warning, then a strike will be added to the count for each infraction.

• The pitcher’s helper must wear a helmet or fielder’s mask and will position themselves with one foot in the circle.

• It is recommended that coach pitchers should try to leave the field (away from the play and toward foul territory) after the ball is hit.
• There are no bat restrictions. Players may use the bat of their preference. 

• In order to speed up the game, the speedy rule will apply for the catcher on base. This rule applies to the player who will be playing the Catcher position in the very next defensive inning ONLY. If the Catcher is on base, withtwo (2) outs, she can be replaced with another runner. The runner, who substitutes for the catcher on base, will be the player who made the last out or the furthest away. The base runner that is replaced MUST catch the complete next inning.

• Infield fly rule will not apply.

• Dropped 3rd strike will not apply.

• Stealing will not apply.

• A runner may leave the base after the ball passes the home plate. If the umpire determines that a base runner leaves early, the team will be given a warning. Any other occurrences will result in the base runner being called OUT.

Stopping the lead runner – play will continue until the UMPIRE calls timeout. Defensive players will not be able to call timeout to stop the progress of the base runners. Until the umpire calls timeout, all base runners may still advance. The umpire will call timeout, when the ball is secured by the pitcher’s helper in the circle or the forward progress of the lead runner is halted by the actions of a defensive player, and the defense is not attempting to make a play on the base runner. This does not require a step back to the base. Once the forward progress of the lead runner is halted and the umpire calls timeout, all base runners that are not at least halfway to the next base, must return to the previous base.

The mandatory slide rule is in effect for all close plays at a base. A player not sliding may be considered out in the judgment of the umpire, and the play is considered dead. Once the play is considered dead, all other base runners must return to their previous base and may not advance. Base runners attempting to score must slide at home plate unless in the umpire’s judgment, contact is not likely without sliding.

No head first slides, except to go back to a base already passed.

1. Interference:

i. A coach cannot touch or assist a player between the bases during a play. This is an automatic out.

ii. Base runners who intentionally interfere with the defensive player will be called out.

iii. Defensive players must remain out of the base paths and not block bases or home plate. If a Defensive player interferes with the base runner or intentionally blocks a base or home plate, the player is automatically awarded the base she was heading towards.

2. Over Throws. Over throws that land in out of play territory shall result in the base runner(s) advancing only one base.
3. Injured Base Runner. The last player to make an out will replace any player sustaining an injury while running on base 
miércoles, mayo 19, 2021 10:39:28 PM
General 7U & 8U Rules
•5 Tool Academy tournament management will treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final and judgment calls by Tournament Director are final. Rule interpretation will be decided by the Tournament Director. On field calls by Umpires are final, no protests to on field calls.

• Professional umpires have been assigned to each game. Coaches should treat them with respect. With regard to on-field calls, the decision of the umpires shall be final.

• 8U Division Players who turn 9 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 2nd grade. Also, any player turning 10 prior to August 1 will not be eligible. Players who are 8 are eligible for this division regardless of their grade. Teams shall have player birth certificates readily available upon request of the Tournament Director. Questions of age eligibility shall be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director. Such matters will be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games that ineligible player played. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes.

• Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time. If the previous game finishes early, teams may be asked to begin play earlier than scheduled. If a team fails to field 9 uniformed players at game time, the Tournament Director may issue a forfeit victory. The team that wins the game by forfeit will be credited with a 7-0 victory for tiebreaker purposes.

• A coin flip will be used to determine home team for pool play and Round Robin games.

• If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:

o Overall won-lost record

o Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament

o Run differential

o Total runs scored

o Coin flip

• The Tournament Director may modify the number or length of games when necessary due to weather, field, or scheduling issues. This includes modifying the time limit if games get backed up.
• There will be a “zero tolerance” policy for any alcohol or tobacco anywhere within the confines of the tournament 

In the event the tournament is shortened due to weather, the following refund policy will be honored by 5 Tool Academy:

0 Games Played – 100% Refund for tournament registrations fees, less a $30 administrative fee.

1 Game Played – 50% Refund for tournament registration fees.

2 Games Played – 0% Refund for tournament registration fees.
Game played is defined as 3 innings or 2~1/2 if Home team is winning when they come to the plate for the third time. Any games shortened by weather, teams must submit their scores at the time the game was called.  

• Teams will use a continuous batting order. This means all players in uniform (unless injured) must be in the batting order. If a team has 12 or more players present, they bat 12. There is no penalty for having less than 12. If a team has less than 12 players present and an additional player arrives late, that player must be inserted into the last spot in the batting order.

• If one of the teams has less than 12 batters to start the game, the other team has the option of matching the same number of batters. This “mirror rule” prevents teams with a larger roster from playing at a disadvantage.

• If a team has more than 12 players present, they have the option of batting as many players as they want. If a team chooses to start a game batting more than 12, they must finish the game batting the same number of players they started the game batting.

• There will be 4 outfielders permitted.

• There is a free substitution among the players listed on the batting order. There is no designated hitter.
• Players are permitted to use the bat style of their choice. There are no bat restrictions.

• If a batter hits the pitch and the ball hits the coach/pitcher, the play will be called dead and the pitch will not count. The batter will resume his/her position at the plate and will continue his/her at bat with the count as it was before the play. Base runners may not advance on the play and must return to the base they occupied prior to the coach/pitcher being hit.
• Each batter will receive a maximum of 5 pitches or 3 strikes in order to put the ball in play. If the 5 th or any subsequent pitch is fouled, the batter gets an additional pitch. The batter is out after 3 strikes. No walks.
• Coaches will pitch overhand no closer than 35 feet from the batter. This distance is within the dirt area in front of the pitcher’s mound. Coaches are not permitted to pitch from the infield grass. Coaches will receive one (1) warning, then a strike will be added to the count for each infraction.

• The pitcher’s helper must wear a helmet and will position themselves within 6 feet of the adult pitcher, but not in front of them. This distance is typically around the edge of the dirt of the pitching mound.
• It is recommended that coach pitchers should try to leave the field (away from the play and toward foul territory) after the ball is hit.

• In order to speed up the game, the speedy rule will apply for the catcher on base. This rule applies to the player who will be playing the Catcher position in the very next defensive inning ONLY. If the Catcher is on base, with two (2) outs, he can be replaced with another runner. The runner, who substitutes for the catcher on base, will be the player who made the last out. The base runner that is replaced MUST catch the complete next inning.

• Free substitution is allowed.

• Infield fly rule will not apply.

• Dropped 3rd strike will not apply.

• Leads offs and stealing will not apply.

• A runner may leave the base after the ball passes the home plate. If the umpire determines that a base runner leaves early, the team will be given a warning. Any other occurrences will result in the base runner being called OUT.

• There is a 6 run maximum per inning until the fifth inning. Runs are unlimited in the fifth inning.
• Games will play 5 innings.

• A one (1) hour thirty (30) minute time limit is in effect for all pool play games. A one (1) hour forty five (45) minute time limit is in effect for elimination games. A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. Once an inning starts, it must be completed. The official time is ended when the third out of the bottom of the inning is recorded. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over and the bottom half of the last inning shall not be played. There is no time limit on championship games (unless the Tournament Director deems it necessary due to weather or scheduling issues). The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the time limit for games in the event of weather or scheduling issues.

• The start time shall begin when the pre-game meeting is completed. The home plate umpire or his designee shall monitor the official time.

Tie Games - Games will end in a tie at the completion of inning aftertime has expired. Games that have completed their designated innings for the game prior to the expiration of time will play 1 inning of the tiebreaker using the California rule noted below. If after one inning of the tiebreaker results in a tie, game will end in a tie and no further tiebreaker innings will be played. Elimination games may not end in a tie. If the time has expired or 5 innings are completed, and the score is tied, the California rule will be used for extra innings. The team at bat will start with a player on second, no outs. The player on second will be the last batter out in the previous inning. Runs are unlimited in additional innings.

Stopping the lead runner – play will continue until the UMPIRE calls timeout. Defensive players will not be able to call timeout to stop the progress of the base runners. Until the umpire calls timeout, all base runners may still advance. The umpire will call timeout, when the forward progress of the lead runner is halted by the actions of a defensive player, and the defense is not attempting to make a play on the base runner. This does not require a step back to the base. Once the forward progress of the lead runner is halted and the umpire calls timeout, all base runners that are not at least halfway to the next base, must return to the previous base.

The mandatory slide rule is in effect for all close plays at a base. A player not sliding may be considered out in the judgment of the umpire, and the play is considered dead. Once the play is considered dead, all other base runners must return to their previous base and may not advance. Base runners attempting to score must slide at home plate unless in the umpire’s judgment, contact is not likely without sliding.

No head first slides, except to go back to a base already passed.

A coach cannot touch or assist a player between the bases during a play. This is an automatic out. Base runners who intentionally interfere with the defensive player will be called out. Defensive players must remain out of the base paths and not block bases or home plate. If a Defensive player interferes with the base runner or intentionally blocks a base or home plate, the player is automatically awarded the base he was heading towards.

Over Throws. Over throws that land in out of play territory shall result in the base runner(s) advancing only one base.

Injured Base Runner. The last player to make an out will replace any player sustaining an injury while running on base.

Mercy Rules

o 15 runs after 3 innings
o 10 runs after 4 inning 
lunes, mayo 17, 2021 1:23:52 PM

 Park Rules

• No alcohol or tobacco products of any kind

• No pets

• No scooters in ballpark area

 Gate Fees

Gate fees are $10/day or $15/weekend for spectators 13 and older. Coaches, players, and spectators 12 and under are free. 

Ball Park Addresses

Wes-Del Ball Park: 9710 W CR 500 N, Gaston, IN 47342

Yorktown Sports Park: 200 S CR 600 W, Yorktown, IN 47396